Learning, Sharing, and Going Green: Hands-on cooperation in an Erasmus+ small scale project
The project Go Green: learning about sustainability and responsible consumption (2022-1-ES01-KA210-ADU-000082169) is a small-scale project funded by Erasmus+. The project aims to create and learn small green practices that everyone can implement in their daily life. The leading organization is Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Loja (Spain), and the partners are Ljudska univerza Ormož (Slovenia) and Valo-Valmennusyhdistys ry (Finland). In a world increasingly conscious of environmental issues, initiatives promoting sustainable practices have become essential. One such initiative is an Erasmus+ small-scale project within the realm of adult education, focusing on green practices. This blog post takes you through the kick-off meeting of this project, where project staff and adult learners from three different countries converged to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and embark on a journey toward a greener future. Accompanied by some snowfall, the project team, including adult learners, from thr...