Learning about social farming and beyond in Athens, Greece

In this blog post Tina from Silta-Valmennusyhdistys ry summarizes the benefits of staff mobilities, and tells about her job shadowing experience in Athens, Greece. The job shadowing is part of the Erasmus+ Accredited mobility projects in the field of adult education (KA121-ADU). 

Me and Kimmo who is the executive director of Silta-Valmennusyhdistys ry had the possibility of a job shadowing period in January 2024.

Job shadowing is one of the valuable components of the Erasmus+ program, providing participants with the chance to observe and learn from other professionals in their field of interest and even for “old hands” like us, we gained valuable insights into work in a different environment.

Job shadowing in the Erasmus+ programme involves spending a designated period of time observing and learning from professionals in a specific field or industry. Participants have the opportunity to gain practical insights into different work practices, processes, and organisational cultures. By shadowing experienced professionals, participants can acquire knowledge, skills, and a deeper understanding of their chosen field.

Job shadowing experiences can vary in duration, ranging from a few days to several weeks or even months, depending on the specific Erasmus+ programme and project. During this period, job shadowers are immersed in the host organisation, observing professionals as they go about their daily tasks, attending meetings, and participating in relevant activities.

During our job shadowing period, 22 - 25.1.2024, we were hosted by the Greek NGO “NEA GEORGIA NEA GENIA - NEW AGRICULTURE NEW GENERATION” based in Athens. The purpose of NANG is to create opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship among youth to support and advance the Greek Agrifood sector and to build capacity, expand advisory networks, nurture innovation, support business development, and encourage collaboration and dialogue.

On our first days in Athens, we visited NANG and they presented the innovative project “Social Farming 360” which they are coordinating and implementing in cooperation with our longtime collaborator Freedom Gate Greece and ActionAid Hellas and in close collaboration with the General Secretariat for Anti-Crime Policy of the Hellenic Ministry of Citizen Protection. The “Social Farming 360” aims to significantly contribute to transforming agricultural activities in Greek correctional facilities and actively support both the reintegration of inmates and food security in the facilities and the communities where they are located.

We also discussed the establishment of cooperation between NANG and Silta- Valmennusyhdistys ry. and exchange of good practices especially concerning bolstering knowledge of practices promoting sustainability within the criminal sanctions system in general as well as promotion of sustainable cultivation and entrepreneurship particularly among criminal sanction clients.

On our third day, we visited our longtime collaborator Freedom Gate Greece. We had a thorough presentation of Freedom Gate Greece’s participation in the NANG led “Social Farming 360” project. For this project, Freedom Gate Greece’s scientific team has created and provided a complete two-part training program consisting of the following:

1. “Train-the-trainer” training course for the staff of the participating organisations

2. Psychosocial training course for inmates

The aim of the “Train-the-trainer” course is to familiarize professionals of the partner organisations who will be participating in the project with work within the correctional system and its populations.

The aim of the Psychosocial training course for inmates is to enhance inmates’ impaired social skills which is of crucial importance in their reintegration process.

Further, Freedom Gate Greece’s staff presented the project “Targeted support for unaccompanied refugee minors, with the aim of socio-economic integration and their preparation for leaving the accommodation facilities after reaching adulthood”. 

The purpose of this project was to provide:

     Targeted support for the empowerment of the beneficiaries, with the aim of social integration (familiarity with European Union culture and law), achieving their autonomy and independent living, based on their future plans

     Socialisation and social integration - Psychological support dealing with post-traumatic stress and problems of adaptation to the social and working environment of the host countries

     Provision of professional counselling services to the beneficiaries through individual and group sessions

     Communication and public awareness actions

 At the end of the working day, we discussed further cooperation and common project proposals for upcoming calls for proposals.

All in all, this job shadowing period was eye opening and filled all our expectations. 

In addition to all the new knowledge we gained, we acquired improved intercultural competences and strengthened our international cooperation and expanded our international network.

Boosting intercultural competences is of significant importance in any organisation which is involved in international work. Intercultural competence is a valuable asset in an increasingly globalized world where we are more likely to interact with people from different cultures and countries who have been shaped by different values, beliefs and experiences.

Our fourth and last working day in Athens was dedicated to culture. Although we both have visited Athens in the past, we have not had the chance to enjoy the Acropolis and the National Museums' priceless treasures! This time we grabbed the chance and we were really amazed by everything we saw and experienced.

The cultural heritage which Greece has left to the Western civilisation is irreplaceable being the birthplace of democracy, Western philosophy, Western literature, historiography, political science, major scientific and mathematical principles, theatre, and the Olympic Games.

For further information about the “Social Farming 360” project, please follow the link:


Written by: Tina Törrönen - International Coordinator at Silta-Valmennusyhdistys ry


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